Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Commentary on the Rules

I try, I really do. But not all of the National Spelling Bee rules are appropriate for our version of the Bee. So at the last Bee, I implemented a tweak to the head-to-head rounds that was just silly and confusing. Luckily, the two spellers were both very talented and it really was an even bet as to who might win (and Michael, I know you'll be back to work your odds again!).

So, next week I will try to simplify.

If you have any ideas about keeping the Bee running smoothly, let me know!

portlandspellingbee@gmail.com, or post a comment here.

1 comment:

Linda Goertz said...

Portland Spelling Bee is GREAT! Tweak away and don't mind the naysayers -- a few people who are good at spelling are also unfortunately constipated about RULES. Help them get over it.