Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Stunned and Pleased!

Amanda was our host this week so that I could compete for the first time ever!

I was so nervous, and my hands were shaking each time I approached the mic (I had to leave my drink by my chair so I wouldn't spill it, even).

We had a field of 19 competitors, so the stage was packed, and as usual, there were a lot of wonderful spellers.

I would have missed six or eight of the words, at least, that others spelled correctly - but I got lucky, and I won!

I provided Amanda with a sheaf of papers containing unscrutinized words (usually I sort them for the appropriate level of difficulty and try to get some language-of-origin diversity while I'm at it), and she did a great job finding words on the fly (I gave her a long list of A through C words to cull from).

My winning word was ACCOUCHEMENT, and a couple of other words I remember spelling are BRACHIOSAUR, ALTOCUMULUS, and CASQUE.

Thanks to everyone for letting me have my fun!

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