Friday, April 13, 2007

Portland International Spelling Bee

Won this week by Ann Tudor, a Canadian visiting from Toronto!

Her sister Sara, in town from Denver, participated as well. She's excited to get a Bee going in her hometown, so I hope we'll be kept in the loop on that.

Thankfully, they kept some notes for me, so I can report that the winning word was (fittingly enough) BIBLIOTHERAPY.

After a nail-biting championship round characterized by excellent spelling back and forth, Ann emerged the winner.

They both missed PARAGOGE, and then our erstwhile runner-up (I will put his name in if I remember it!) missed TOILE.

Since it's French, it's pronounced TWALL (with hardly any acknowledgment of the L sound) and he just simply didn't know the word. He asked the audience, "How many of you are familiar with TWALL?" and since it's not an uncommon word (a fabric or upholstery pattern depicting bucolic scenery). TWALL is how he spelled it, and Ann got it right.

Our musical interlude was provided by Emma Hill, who sang us some really sweet songs.

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